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Department of
Electronics & Communication Engineering (ECE)
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044 - 2251 2111
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Seminars / Workshops
IETE conducted a Guest lecture on Embedded Product Development and Design on 18-02-2025
IEEE Signal Processing Society conducted a Six Days Web Series on C++ and Java Programming for III year students on 24-10-2024
ISTE conducted Inaugural function of ECE Association and a Guest lecture on Recent Advancements in Semiconductor Technologies on 29-10-2024
IEEE Signal Processing Society conducted a Web Series on C++ and JAVA PROGRAMMING from 14-10-2024 to 19-10-2024.
Two days workshop on Data Structures and Algorithms for III year students on 18-10-2024 and 19-10-2024
The Department of ECE in association with IEEE Signal Processing Society conducted a Quiz programme on COSMO-TRONICZ on 31-07-2024.
Department of ECE in association with IEEE BTS and COMSOC Societies conducted a one week workshop on Python Powered Embedded IOT from 09.09.2024 to 14.09.2024.
Department of ECE in association with IIC conducted a session on Funding Opportunities for Early Stage Entrepreneurs on 02.08.2024
Department of ECE in association with The Institution of Engineers (India) conducted a Webinar on Cultivating Skills for Empowerment through Innovation on 27.07.2024
Department of ECE in association with IEEE CAS and IETE provided the opportunity to attend the inaugural function (virtual mode) of SEMICON INDIA organized by SEMI and Messe Muenchen India partnering with Electronic Industries Association of India on 11.09.2024.
Department of ECE in association with IETE conducted a seminar on Insight on Harmonics Society and Nature, on 28-08-2024
Department of ECE in association with Alumni association and ISTE conducted a Alumni Talk on Skill Spark , Accelerate Career Growth on 15.07.2024
Department of ECE in association with IEEE Broadcast Technology Society (BTS) conducted a Workshop on Mastering the ESP32: Unleashing the power of IoT and Embedded System on 22.04.2024
The Department of ECE in association with IEEE Signal Processing Society (SPS Society) conducted a Mini Project Expo “Electro Fest” on 04.03.2024 for the ECE students.
The Department of ECE in association with IEEE Signal Processing Society organizes a student Campaign in the name “Breaking Blitz” on 28.09.2023.
IEEE Signal Processing Society organizes events for Mahatma Gandhi’s Birthday under the name “In the footsteps of Gandhi ”on 09.10.2023
IEEE Signal Processing Society organizes events for Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam’s Birthday under the name “MISSILE MARVEL”.
Orientation Program for II year students was conducted on 17.08.2023
Department of ECE in association with ISTE conducted a One day Workshop “PCB Design and Fabrication” on 08.06.2023.
The Institution Engineers (India), Kanchepuram Local Centre Under aegis of Electrical Engineering Division in association with Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 2023 and conducted a Seminar on Recent Technical Advancements In Telecommunication Networks on 17.05.2023.
The Department of ECE in association with SIT Alumni Association and IEI conducted a Guest Lecture on “How to crack an Interview” for the III year students on 27.04.2023.
Department of ECE in association with The Institution Engineers (India) conducted a Seminar on 5G Pushing the Limits on Semiconductors on 13.05.2023
The Institution Engineers (India), Kanchepuram Local Centre Under aegis of Electrical Engineering Division in association with Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 2023 and conducted a Seminar on Recent Technical Advancements In Telecommunication Networks on 17.05.2023.
Department of ECE conducted a National Conference on ADVANCED RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONS IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (ARICE 2023) on “05.04.2023 & 06.04.2023”
The Department of ECE in association with SIT Alumni Association and IEI conducted a Guest Lecture on “How to crack an Interview” for the III year students on 27.04.2023.
Skillrack orientation for I year students held on 02.03.2023
Boot Camp Series XII on Internet of Things
“Department of ECE conducted One Day Workshop on Applications of Robotics on 31.1.2023”
Department of ECE conducted a Seminar on How to make your Career Stand out from the Crowd on 12.10.2022
Department of ECE in association with Institute Innovation Council celebrates Three days World Entrepreneurs Day and conducts an event on Build Your Startup from 20.08.2022 to 22.08.2022.
Department of ECE in association with IEI student chapter conducted an Alumni Talk on Endurance with wanted Niche Skills on 27.08.2022.
“Department of ECE conducted a Guest Lecture on Machine Learning in Image Processing on 14.11.2022”.
“Department of ECE in association with Institute Innovation Council celebrates Three days World Entrepreneurs Day and conducts an event on Build Your Startup from 20.08.2022 to 22.08.2022”.
Department of ECE in association with IEI student chapter conducted an Alumni Talk on Endurance with wanted Niche Skills on 27.08.2022.
Department of ECE in association with IEI Student Chapter conducted a Workshop on Implementation of Machine Learning Concepts in Real Time Projects on 18.05.2022
Department of ECE in association with Institute Innovation Council conducted a Webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning” on 14.05.2022.
Department of ECE conducted an One Week Workshop on “Mathworks Wireless Series – Transforming the next generation of Wireless Communication”
Department of ECE in association with ICT academy Power Seminar and Sky Campus conducted a Power Seminar on Cyber Security on 19.03.2022
Department of ECE in association with IEI Student Chapter conducted an online webinar on GETTING STARTED WITH MACHINE LEARNING on 09.06.2021 for II and III year students
Department of ECE in association with IEEE conducted an Online Workshop on Design and Testing of Antennas” on 05.06.2021 for our third year and fourth year students.
Department of ECE in association with IETE, Chennai Centre conducted a webinar “COMPUTER NETWORKS AND CYBER SECURITY” on 29.05.2021
Department of ECE conducted an Orientation Session on National Education Policy (with a focus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship” on 21.12.2020 given expert talk by Dr. P. Shanmugavadivu, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, Director, IQAC Cell, Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed to be a University, Dindugal for all the II, III and IV year students.
Department of ECE in association with MHRD & Institute Innovation Council, Alumni Association & IPR Club conducted a Webinar on “Identifying Intellectual Property Component at the early stage of Innovation” on 30.11.2020 from 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM.
Department of ECE conducted a webinar on “Hakuna – Matata Problem free Philosophy” On 26.05.2020 for our students.
Paper Presentation
Department of ECE is conducting a One day Faculty Development Programme on “Internet of Things” on 6th February 2020 in association with ISTE and Wiley Publications
“Department of ECE has conducted an ISTE sponsored Guest Lecture on Internet of Things” on 18.12.2019 for final year students
Department of ECE conducted Guest Lecture on Cloud Computing for III year students on 18.07.2019.
Department of ECE organized “SIX DAYS AICTE SPONSORED SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAM” from 31.10.2019 to 06.11.2019
Department of ECE has conducted ISTE sponsored “Guest lecture on RF design” for final year students on 26.07.2019.
Department of ECE has conducted “IEI sponsored Six days workshop on IoT and Robotics” for II year students from 05.08.2019 to 10.08.2019.
Department of ECE organized a guest lecture on “Concepts of Memory Management and I/O systems” on 22.02.2019.
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in association with ISTE student chapter is conducting a guest lecture on “Role of Electronics in medical instruments” On 14.02.2019
Department of ECE organized an “One day IEEE sponsored Seminar on Knowledge sharing and Handson session on Basic Electronics” for III year students on 11.02.2019.
IETE Sponsored Two Days Workshop on ORCAD PSPICE. on 11.01.2019 and 12.01.2019
Department of ECE conducted two weeks FDTP on Wireless Networks from 06.12.2018 to 17.12.2018.
Entrepreneurship awareness programme conducted during 30.08.18 to 01.09.18
Department of ECE has conducted “IEI sponsored Six days workshop on IoT and Robotics” for II year students from 05.08.2019 to 10.08.2019.
Department of ECE has conducted ISTE sponsored “Guest lecture on RF design” for final year students on 26.07.2019.
Department of ECE organized “SIX DAYS AICTE SPONSORED SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAM” from 31.10.2019 to 06.11.2019
Department of ECE conducted Guest Lecture on Cloud Computing for III year students on 18.07.2019.
Two days workshop on Robotics and Embedded Systems
Six days Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Research Areas in Smart Antenna Design for Cubesat Applications
Ms.Garlapati Sreeja G of IV year ECE has won the ISTE best student award
Department of ECE in association with IETE, Chennai Centre conducted a webinar “COMPUTER NETWORKS AND CYBER SECURITY” on 29.05.2021
Department of ECE in association with IEEE conducted an Online Workshop on Design and Testing of Antennas” on 05.06.2021 for our third year and fourth year students.
Department of ECE in association with IEI Student Chapter conducted an online webinar on GETTING STARTED WITH MACHINE LEARNING on 09.06.2021 for II and III year students
Department of ECE conducted a Workshop on Practical Machine Learning With Tensor flow on 24.08.2023 and 28.08.2023
Department of ECE conducted a Workshop on Skill Rack Practice on 21.08.2023 and 22.08.2023 for our II year students.” Skillrack toppers from IV year students “Sekar P, Harish S, Raghav A” given hands on experience
Department of ECE in association with IEEE Signal Processing Society conducted Bharat Utsav 2023 and conducted two events Indian States and Dumb Charades for our II, III and IV year students
Department of ECE conducted in association with IEEE SPS Society conducted a seminar on Mastering New Skill on 20.09.2023 four second year students
Seminars / Workshops
National / International Conference
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