Department of ECE in association with IEI Student Chapter conducted an online webinar on GETTING STARTED WITH MACHINE LEARNING on 09.06.2021 for II and III year students

Department of ECE in association with IEEE conducted an Online Workshop on Design and Testing of Antennas” on 05.06.2021 for our third year and fourth year students.

Department of ECE in association with IEEE conducted an Online Workshop on Design and Testing of Antennas” on 05.06.2021 for our third year and fourth year students.

Department of ECE in association with IETE, Chennai Centre conducted a webinar “COMPUTER NETWORKS AND CYBER SECURITY” on 29.05.2021

Department of ECE in association with IETE, Chennai Centre conducted a webinar “COMPUTER NETWORKS AND CYBER SECURITY” on 29.05.2021

Department of ECE conducted an Orientation Session on National Education Policy (with a focus on Innovation and Entrepreneurship” on 21.12.2020 given expert talk by Dr. P. Shanmugavadivu, Professor and Head, Dept. of CSE, Director, IQAC Cell, Gandhigram Rural Institute Deemed to be a University, Dindugal for all the II, III and IV year students.

Ms.Garlapati Sreeja G of IV year ECE has won the ISTE best student award

Sir Sai Ram Institute of Technology, Ms.Garlapati Sreeja G of IV year ECE has won the ISTE best student award Venue : PSG Institute of Technology & Applied Research, Coimbatore

Six days Short Term Training Programme (STTP) on “Research Areas in Smart Antenna Design for Cubesat Applications

Two days workshop on Robotics and Embedded Systems


A National level Techfest Elexplore2k19 was organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering on 25.09.2019.This attracted over 90+ students from many engineering institutions. The chief guest Mrs.Chenthamarai Selvam, former senior principal scientist CSIR-CSIO, Chennai delivered the inaugural speech, shared her experiences with the students and motivated them. There were events namely Hassle Golem,… Continue reading ELEXPLORE’2K19 – NATIONAL LEVEL TECHFEST

Department of ECE conducted Guest Lecture on Cloud Computing for III year students on 18.07.2019.

Department of ECE organized “SIX DAYS AICTE SPONSORED SHORT TERM TRAINING PROGRAM” from 31.10.2019 to 06.11.2019

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