IETE conducted a Guest lecture on Embedded Product Development and Design on 18-02-2025

Department of ECE in association with IETE conducted a Guest lecture on Embedded Product Development and Design on 18.02.2025.

IEEE Signal Processing Society conducted a Six Days Web Series on C++ and Java Programming for III year students on 24-10-2024

ISTE conducted Inaugural function of ECE Association and a Guest lecture on Recent Advancements in Semiconductor Technologies on 29-10-2024

Department of ECE in association with ISTE conducted Inaugural function of ECE Association and a Guest lecture on Recent Advancements in Semiconductor Technologies on 29.10.2024.

The Third year ECE students are visited CSIR-SERC Madras Complex on 26-09-2024

Powering Success Sairam ECE and Mechanical Students Win Awards at E-Bike Challenge

The students of Mechanical Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering actively participated in the Electric Bike Design Challenge 2024 at Coimbatore and won awards. ECE students: Abilash J, Rahul M S, Sivaneshan N, Vignesh S

Department of ECE in association with Institution’s Innovation Council organized Webinar on Funding opportunities for early stage entrepreneurs on 02.08.2024

Resourse Persons Mr. Sunil Sethia, Chartered Accountant, Executive Director of BNI CBD B & South Chennai, Executive Director of Corporate Connections. Mr. A. Saravana Kumar, Founder & Sr. Architect, YAT India, Chennai.

Department of ECE conducted in association with IEEE SPS Society conducted a seminar on Mastering New Skill on 20.09.2023 four second year students

Department of ECE in association with IEEE Signal Processing Society conducted Bharat Utsav 2023 and conducted two events Indian States and Dumb Charades for our II, III and IV year students

Department of ECE conducted a Workshop on Skill Rack Practice on 21.08.2023 and 22.08.2023 for our II year students.” Skillrack toppers from IV year students “Sekar P, Harish S, Raghav A” given hands on experience

Department of ECE conducted a Workshop on Practical Machine Learning With Tensor flow on 24.08.2023 and 28.08.2023