Department of ECE Conducted a Workshop on Advanced Sensors and its functions in Robotics on 18.08.2021

Department of ECE Conducted a Workshop on Advanced Sensors and its functions in Robotics on 18.08.2021.

Department of ECE in association with The Institution of Engineers (Kanchepuram Local Center) Conducted a “Workshop on Advanced Sensors and its functions in Robotics on 18.08.2021”.

Department of ECE in association with The Institution of Engineers (Kanchepuram Local Center) Conducted a “Workshop on Advanced Sensors and its functions in Robotics on 18.08.2021”.

Department of ECE conducted an Online Workshop on “AN OVERVIEW OF PIC MICROCONTROLLER” on 19.06.2021, 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM.

Department of ECE conducted an Online Workshop on “AN OVERVIEW OF PIC MICROCONTROLLER” on 19.06.2021, 10.00 AM to 12.00 PM.

Department of ECE in association with Alumni Association conducted an Alumni Talk on Extend Your Boundary Engulf Your Opportunity” on 12.06.2021 for the II, III and IV year students.

Department of ECE in association with Alumni Association conducted an Alumni Talk on Extend Your Boundary Engulf Your Opportunity” on 12.06.2021 for the II, III and IV year students.

Department of ECE conducted Project Exhibition 2021 on 31.05.2021 for the final year students

Department of ECE conducted Project Exhibition 2021 on 31.05.2021 for the final year students

Discussion Forum on IPR Case Studies conducted for III Year ECE Students. Date : 11.05.2021 @9.30 am to 11.30 am

Discussion Forum on IPR Case Studies conducted for III Year ECE Students. Date : 11.05.2021 @9.30 am to 11.30 am

Department of ECE in association with MHRD & Institute Innovation Council, Alumni Association & IPR Club conducted a Webinar on “Identifying Intellectual Property Component at the early stage of Innovation” on 30.11.2020 from 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM.

Department of ECE in association with MHRD & Institute Innovation Council, Alumni Association & IPR Club conducted a Webinar on “Identifying Intellectual Property Component at the early stage of Innovation” on 30.11.2020 from 11.00 AM to 12.00 PM.

Department of ECE conducted a webinar on “Hakuna – Matata Problem free Philosophy” On 26.05.2020 for our students.

Department of ECE conducted a webinar on “Hakuna – Matata Problem free Philosophy” On 26.05.2020 for our students.

Department of ECE conducted an Alumni Talk on “THE INSIGHTS AND FOCUS ON HIGHER STUDIES” on 23.05.2020 for our students

Department of ECE conducted Enhancing the Programming Skills

Department of ECE conducted Enhancing the Programming Skills for II year students on 09.05.2020