Department of ECE conducted a Workshop on Practical Machine Learning With Tensor flow on 24.08.2023 and 28.08.2023

Orientation Program for II year students was conducted on 17.08.2023

Orientation Program for II year students was conducted on 17.08.2023″ Students were given inputs about Academic Curriculum, PGPA, Online Courses Internship, Placement, Professional Societies by Dean Academics, Head of the Department/ ECE and Faculties

Department of ECE conducted a National Conference on ADVANCED RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONS IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (ARICE 2023) on “05.04.2023 & 06.04.2023”

Department of ECE in association with ISTE conducted a One day Workshop “PCB Design and Fabrication” on 08.06.2023

Department of ECE conducted an Alumni Talk on “Essentials of Interview” on 02.06.2023.

Department of ECE in association with The Institution Engineers (India) conducted a Seminar on 5G Pushing the Limits on Semiconductors on 13.05.2023

The Institution Engineers (India), Kanchepuram Local Centre Under aegis of Electrical Engineering Division in association with Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering celebrated World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD) 2023 and conducted a Seminar on Recent Technical Advancements In Telecommunication Networks on 17.05.2023.

Department of ECE conducted a National Conference on ADVANCED RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONS IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (ARICE 2023) on “05.04.2023 & 06.04.2023”

The Department of ECE in association with SIT Alumni Association and IEI conducted a Guest Lecture on “How to crack an Interview” for the III year students on 27.04.2023.

Department of ECE conducted a National Conference on ADVANCED RESEARCH AND INNOVATIONS IN INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING (ARICE 2023) on 05.04.2023 & 06.04.2023